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[여름방학 특강 3강] be동사와 인칭대명사

by MAX ENGLISH 2024. 7. 3.


Be동사는 영어에서 가장 기본적이고 중요한 동사 중 하나입니다. 주로 상태나 존재를 나타내며, 주어의 상태나 특징을 설명할 때 사용됩니다. Be동사는 현재형, 과거형, 그리고 미래형으로 변형됩니다.


Be동사의 현재형, 과거형, 미래형

시제 주어 be동사 예문
현재형 (Present) I am
I am a student. (나는 학생입니다.)
He, She, It is
She is a teacher. (그녀는 선생님입니다.)
You, We, They are
They are friends. (그들은 친구입니다.)
과거형 (Past) I, He, She, It was
He was happy. (그는 행복했습니다.)
You, We, They were
We were at the park. (우리는 공원에 있었습니다.)
미래형 (Future) 모든 주어 will be
She will be a doctor. (그녀는 의사가 될 것입니다.)


Be동사의 평서문과 의문문

시제 유형 주어 be동사 예문
현재형 평서문 I am
I am a student. (나는 학생입니다.)
    You are
You are my friend. (당신은 내 친구입니다.)
    He is
He is a teacher. (그는 선생님입니다.)
    She is
She is a doctor. (그녀는 의사입니다.)
    It is
It is a cat. (그것은 고양이입니다.)
    We are
We are happy. (우리는 행복합니다.)
    They are
They are musicians. (그들은 음악가들입니다.)
  의문문 I am
Am I a student? (나는 학생인가요?)
    You are
Are you my friend? (당신은 내 친구인가요?)
    He is
Is he a teacher? (그는 선생님인가요?)
    She is
Is she a doctor? (그녀는 의사인가요?)
    It is
Is it a cat? (그것은 고양이인가요?)
    We are
Are we happy? (우리는 행복한가요?)
    They are
Are they musicians? (그들은 음악가들인가요?)
과거형 평서문 I was
I was at home. (나는 집에 있었다.)
    You were
You were tired. (너는 피곤했다.)
    He was
He was late. (그는 늦었다.)
    She was
She was busy. (그녀는 바빴다.)
    It was
It was cold. (그것은 추웠다.)
    We were
We were students. (우리는 학생들이었다.)
    They were
They were friends. (그들은 친구들이었다.)
  의문문 I was
Was I at home? (나는 집에 있었나요?)
    You were
Were you tired? (너는 피곤했나요?)
    He was
Was he late? (그는 늦었나요?)
    She was
Was she busy? (그녀는 바빴나요?)
    It was
Was it cold? (그것은 추웠나요?)
    We were
Were we students? (우리는 학생들이었나요?)
    They were
Were they friends? (그들은 친구들이었나요?)




인칭대명사는 사람이나 사물을 대신해서 사용하는 대명사입니다. 인칭대명사는 주격, 소유격, 목적격으로 나눌 수 있습니다.

인칭 주격 예문 소유격 예문 목적격 예문 소유대명사 예문
1인칭 단수 I I am happy. My This is my book. Me He likes me. Mine
This book is mine.
2인칭 단수 You You are my friend. Your Is this your pen? You I will call you. Yours
This pen is yours.
3인칭 남성 He He is a teacher. His That is his car. Him She met him. His This car is his.
3인칭 여성 She She is a doctor. Her Her dress is beautiful. Her I saw her. Hers
This dress is hers.
3인칭 중성 It It is a cat. Its The cat licked its paw. It We need it. (없음) (없음)
1인칭 복수 We We are students. Our Our house is big. Us Can you help us? Ours
This house is ours.
2인칭 복수 You You are my friends. Your Are these your pens? You I will call you. Yours
These pens are yours.
3인칭 복수 They They are musicians. Their Their dog is cute. Them She called them. Theirs
This dog is theirs.



*  참고자료

단/복수 주격 be동사 현재형 be동사 과거형 소유격 (형용사) 목적격
소유대명사 (명사)
I am was my me mine
You are were your you yours
He is was his him his
She is was her her hers
It is was its it its
We are were our us ours
You are were your you yours
They are were their them theirs






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