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[여름방학 특강 10강] 능동태와 수동태

by MAX ENGLISH 2024. 7. 17.

능동태와 수동태 비교

항목 능동태 (Active Voice) 수동태 (Passive Voice)
정의 주어가 동작을 직접 수행하는 문장 구조 주어가 동작을 받는 문장 구조
구조 주어 + 동사 + 목적어 주어 + be동사 + 과거분사 + (by 행위자)
The cat chased the mouse. The mouse was chased by the cat.
The chef cooked a delicious meal. A delicious meal was cooked by the chef.
She writes a letter every day. A letter is written by her every day.
현재 시제 She writes a letter. A letter is written by her.
과거 시제 She wrote a letter. A letter was written by her.
현재완료 시제 She has written a letter. A letter has been written by her.
미래 시제 She will write a letter. A letter will be written by her.
목적어가 없는 문장은 수동태로 바꿀 수 없음 주어가 중요한 경우 사용
예: He sleeps. (변환 불가) 예: The cake was eaten by someone. (케이크가 누군가에 의해 먹혔다)
변환 방법
1.목적어를 주어로 옮김
2.주어를 'by + 행위자' 형태로 옮김 (생략 가능)
3. 동사를 수동태 형태로 변환 (be동사 + 과거분사)



능동태 (Active Voice) 수동태 (Passive Voice)
The teacher explains the lesson. The lesson is explained by the teacher.
The chef prepares the meal. The meal is prepared by the chef.
The gardener waters the plants. The plants are watered by the gardener.
The engineer designs the bridge. The bridge is designed by the engineer.
The committee will review the proposal. The proposal will be reviewed by the committee.




문제 1

문장을 수동태로 바꾸세요

The students completed the assignment.

(A) The assignment is completed by the students.

(B) The assignment was completed by the students.

(C) The assignment were completed by the students.

(D) The assignment will be completed by the students.


문제 2

문장을 능동태로 바꾸세요

The proposal was approved by the manager.

(A) The manager approves the proposal.

(B) The manager approved the proposal.

(C) The manager approve the proposal.

(D) The manager was approved the proposal.

문제 3

수동태 문장을 완성하세요

The cake ________ (make) by the chef.

(A) is made

(B) was made

(C) made

(D) will made


문제 4

능동태 문장을 완성하세요

The engineer ________ (design) the new bridge.

(A) designs

(B) is designed

(C) was designed

(D) designed


문제 5

올바른 수동태 문장을 고르세요

The book __________ by the author.

(A) writes

(B) is wrote

(C) is written

(D) was write


문제 6

문장을 수동태로 바꾸세요

The gardener watered the flowers.

(A) The flowers is watered by the gardener.

(B) The flowers are watered by the gardener.

(C) The flowers were watered by the gardener.

(D) The flowers was watered by the gardener.


문제 7

능동태 문장을 완성하세요

The committee ________ (review) the documents every month.

(A) reviews

(B) is reviewed

(C) review

(D) reviewed









[정답 및 풀이]


문제 1

정답 : (B) The assignment was completed by the students.

풀이 : 'The students completed the assignment.'의 수동태는 'The assignment was completed by the students.'입니다. 'completed'는 과거 시제이므로 'was completed'가 맞습니다.


문제 2

정답 : (B) The manager approved the proposal.

풀이 : 'The proposal was approved by the manager.'의 능동태는 'The manager approved the proposal.'입니다. 'was approved'는 과거 시제이므로 'approved'가 맞습니다.


문제 3

정답 : (B) was made

풀이 : 'The cake was made by the chef.'가 맞습니다. 수동태 문장에서는 'was + 과거분사'를 사용합니다.


문제 4

정답 : (A) designs

풀이 : 'The engineer designs the new bridge.'가 맞습니다. 현재 시제의 능동태 문장입니다.


문제 5

정답 : (C) is written

풀이 : 'The book is written by the author.'가 맞습니다. 수동태 문장에서는 'is + 과거분사'를 사용합니다.


문제 6

정답 : (C) The flowers were watered by the gardener.

풀이 : 'The gardener watered the flowers.'의 수동태는 'The flowers were watered by the gardener.'입니다. 'watered'는 과거 시제이므로 'were watered'가 맞습니다.


문제 7

정답 : (A) reviews

풀이 : 'The committee reviews the documents every month.'가 맞습니다. 현재 시제의 능동태 문장입니다.





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